DAF YOMI | Bava Kama 92


דף צ"ב


1. The first law is a continuation from the previous Mishnah.  Although one is required to compensate for humiliation, Hashem does not forgive the perpetrator until he asks forgiveness for the anguish he caused the victim


The גמרא proves it from Hashem's response to אבימלך after he abducted שרה.  The verse says:
השב אשת האיש כי נביא הוא ויתפלל בעדך והחיה ואם אינך תשיב דע כי תמות

The גמרא infers from the fact that the Hashem says return her because she is the wife of a prophet the verse must be understood as saying two things.  He must return her because abducting especially a married woman is immoral.  He is a נביא and has taught to mankind that a tourist information center helps people find a hotel and rent a car not inquire whether an attractive woman is a sister or a wife.  Therefore אברהם understood that his life was in danger not as אברהם claimed I was innocent because I did not she was his wife.  He forced אברהם to lie and owed him an apology for the anguish he caused him. 

Asking for forgiveness must be done three times accompanied by three people to appease the victim.

2.  One who refuses to forgive one who sincerely apologized is cruel


אברהם prayed to Hashem to heal his household from illness's related to their orifices,  infertility and child bearing.

The גמרא includes another teaching from this situation.  One who suffers from a certain illness his prayers will be answered first by praying for his friend who suffers from the same illness as the next chapter in the Torah begins with שרה's pregnancy
וד' פקד את שרה
The גמרא digresses to discussions of different adages

1.  Weed out thorns from a cabbage patch sometimes results in weeding cabbage.  The point being is not to associate with evil people.

2. The Torah does not mention which brothers יוסף stood in front of פרעה.  The גמרא tells us it was the brothers mentioned twice by name in משה's blessing to the tribes at the end of the Torah.

3. Poverty runs after the poor.  When the people brought ביכורים the rich took their vessels home the poor did not.

4.  The גמרא associates good or bad health with how much bile the gall bladder secretes.  Eating breakfast consisting of bread and water can neutralize up to eighty three illnesses, the gematria of the word מחלה illness.

5. חברך קרייך חמרא אוכפא לגבך מוש 
If one disparages you by calling you a donkey put a saddle on your back meaning do not answer back.

6. מילתא גנאה דאית בך קדים אמרה
A person who recognizes a personal flaw he should reveal it rather than it be revealed publicly where he would suffer embarrassment.

7. שפיל ואזיל בר אווזא ועיני טייפי
One should be humble like a goose to walk stooped over but keep your vision to the future.  In other words, one's humility should not prevent ones spiritual development.

8. שיתין כאבין מטייה לככה דקל חבריה שמע ולא אכל
One should if at all possible not eat in the presence of one not eating.

8. חמרא למרי וטיבותא לשקייה
One should thank the one who pours the wine not only the giver.  This can also be understood as misplaced appreciation.

9. כלבא בכפניה גללי מבלע
A hungry dog will eat almost anything.

10.  מטיי ואזיל דיקלא בישא גבי קינה דשרבי
Bad trees grow next to bas trees.  People gravitate to those similar to them.

11. קרית חברך ולא ענך רמי גודא רבה שדי ביה
One who criticizes a friend (properly and by way of many attempts) and he does not listen, lift up a large wall and throw it at him meaning push him away.

12. בירא דשתית מיניה לא תשתי ביה קלא
Do not throw dirt in a well you drank from.  Do not minimize those that helped you even once.

13. אי דלית דורה דרינא ואי לא לא דלינא  
One will not lift a burden a (responsibility) without someone helping him.

14. כד הוינן זוטרי לגברי השתא דקשישנא לדרדקי
People do not respect the elderly.