DAF YOMI | Bava Kama 82


דף פ"ב

The subject of this page is the ten enactments of עזרא

1. In addition to משה's תקנה to read the Torah Mondays and Thursdays not only שבת, he instituted the reading of the Torah on מנחה שבת for storekeepers who cannot make it during the week.

2. He added to משה's תקנה of Monday and Thursday.  משה had one read three or three each reading one verse כנגד כהנים לוים ולישראלים.  He enacted the reading of ten verses corresponding to the עשרה בטלנים ten righteous men who devoted themselves to the community to make sure there was always a minyan.

3. He established official court days, Monday and Thursday, corresponding to the days of reading the Torah.

4. He instituted laundering Thursday for שבת so people would have sufficient time to prepare food and bathe for שבת on Friday.

5. He instituted eating garlic on Friday night to increase the strength of the semen of Torah scholars that cohabited Friday nights with their wives.

6. He instituted if a woman is baking bread for her family she could get up early so it will be ready for the poor seeking food.

7. A woman should wear undergarments as a sign of modesty.

8. He instituted a woman cannot rely on an examination of her hair but she must wash and comb it out to make sure there are no knots or dirt that interposes.

9. He instituted that peddlers should distribute cosmetics to make them available to women so they will look appealing their husbands.

10. He instituted an immersion for טומאת קרי in order to learn or pray not only to be able to touch טהרות food that cannot become טמא.  This תקנה never took hold.

עשרה תקנות לירושלים

There were ten enactments unique to Jerusalem:

1. According to the opinion that Jerusalem was not divided amongst the tribes, one who sells a house in Jerusalem has no time limit to redeem it as in other walled cities.

2.  If a dead body is found outside Jerusalem the ceremony of the decapitated calf is not performed for the same reason as the first תקנה.

3. It cannot be a עיר נדחת for the same reason as the previous תקנה since it says עריך your city.

4.  There is no טומאת נגעים because it says ארץ אחוזתכם and ירושלים was not divided.

5. No beams or balconies were permitted so people especially during the רגל would not be injured or be susceptible to טומאה.

6. No garbage heaps were permitted to prevent contamination by dead creatures usually found there.

7. No kilns were permitted because the smoke blackened the walls and mixed with the smoke of the altar.

8. Gardens and orchards were not permitted to be planted because of the smell of fertilizer and decayed matter of dead plants.

9. One was not permitted to raise chickens in Jerusalem because they peck around in dung heaps will find and transport a lentil-sized piece of שרץ which is מטמא.

10. One cannot delay the burial of a מת even to honor the dead person by more attending his funeral.  This law we have by tradition.