DAF YOMI \ Bava Kama 101 (Text)

דף ק"א

A craftsman who deviated from the customer's request

According to רבי מאיר if the customer gave him wood for a chair and he built a bench he pays the customer the value of the wood.  He is similar to a thief that acquires the chair through its transformation.  According to רבי יהודה he is entitled only to whichever payment is less, the improvement or the expenses.  רבי מאיר agrees where he did a poor job building a chair the law is like רבי יהודה because he did not acquire the chair through a שינוי but ruined it on some level.

Dye absorbed in wools tangible or not intangible

If a thief used stolen dye to dyed wool is he liable to return it to the owner.  If he stole the raw material then the thief transformed it into dye so the most would be his obligation to pay its value.  If he stole the liquid that the wool absorbed even if the dye is intangible since it can only be seen, here also he has to pay for the dye that he used.  On the other hand even if we say the dye in the wool is extant how can he return it by washing it out!

If he stole both the dye and the wool from the same person, each ones claim would cancel the other.  The victim must pay him for the improvement (amount depends on owners intentions) and the robber for the dye.  However, even if the absorbed dye is intangible, it is deemed a return stolen object because the wool and dye combine to the value of the theft, unless the price of dyed wool is cheaper than the items separated.

Another solution is that he stole the dye and used it to dye the victim's monkey.  In this case there was no improvement.  If the dye is intangible, the thief will have to return some other dye.
The last solution is a monkey dyed the wool of one with dye of another.  The owner of the dye claims his dye in court.  If the absorbed dye is intangible then he has no claim against the owner of the wool.

Appearance as something tangible in relation to ערלה שביעית דם

The גמרא explains that even if color is intangible the verse concerning ערלה mentions three times the word ערלה one to prohibit even visual benefit.  Similarly in regard to שמיטה the verse says יובל היא קדש תהיה לכם the word תהיה means it remains as is even after it is absorbed it is still prohibited for use.

Although there is a משנה that says a רביעית of human blood absorbed in a garment is מטמא only after washing it out and there still remains a רביעית are the vessels in the house טמא that is no proof that something absorbed is not tangible.  In the case of דם תבוסה, blood that it is uncertain if it emerged before the person died or after, although the רבנן are מחמיר and it is מטמא, it is only if by washing it there remained a רביעית.



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